The Shift
Senior Seminar Spring 2006
The shift is when a culture changes its taste in fine arts, methods of creation, subjects and/or reason to create the art.
These three terms Relationship – Influence – The Shift will be the buzz words of this class.
All of the art and writing that we will be doing and studying will center on the themes of Relationship – Influence – Shift.
These three terms Relationship – Influence – The Shift will be the buzz words of this class.
All of the art and writing that we will be doing and studying will center on the themes of Relationship – Influence – Shift.
Assignment |
Student Art Work |
The shift is when one culture changes their fine arts, method, subject and/
or reason to create the art, or when a society’s taste changes
Relationship – Influence – The Shift
These three terms Relationship – Influence – The Shift will be the buzz words of this class.
All of the art and writing that we will be doing and studying will center on the themes of
Relationship – Influence – Shift.
All of the art and writing that we will be doing and studying will center on the themes of
Relationship – Influence – Shift.
1-2 Pages on your first shift Feb 17 with illustrations
Art Work that expresses The Shift March 3rd (Posters, painting, recreation, sculptures, more or less)
1-2 Pages on your second shift March 10 with illustrations
Final notebook check March 10
Art Work that expresses The Shift March 24 (Posters, painting, recreation, sculptures, more or less)
Relationship Chart April 14 and Final Journal
6-8 Pages for your thesis shift June 1 with illustrations
Artwork for you thesis shift June 9th
Art Work that expresses The Shift March 3rd (Posters, painting, recreation, sculptures, more or less)
1-2 Pages on your second shift March 10 with illustrations
Final notebook check March 10
Art Work that expresses The Shift March 24 (Posters, painting, recreation, sculptures, more or less)
Relationship Chart April 14 and Final Journal
6-8 Pages for your thesis shift June 1 with illustrations
Artwork for you thesis shift June 9th
Example of Poster:
1. Relationship Chart
A poster each student will make to show the Relationship – Influence – The Shift of art through time. It can be printed or hand drawn, but it must clearly show how art has changed over the years. This assignment will be one of the last deliverables of the semester. The due date May 12, 2006
2. Essays about change in styles
These Essays are to help students understand The Shift and give them an opportunity of written expression not only artistic. The three essays will be assigned over the semester Due Dates are Feb. 17 and March 10 . I am only talking two pages per essay and you can always rewrite for an A.
- Your thesis about The Shift you are in to will be Due June 1st, 2006 (6 to 8 pages)
- Art Work that expresses The Shift from one style to the other. Due June 9th, 2006Each of these three deliverables needs to be presented at TPOL to pass this class
3. Three art works illustrating– The Shift
The art can be Paintings, Prints, Sculptures, Performance or Digital, but you must address four separate Shift’s in art history. Each of these four pieces will have dead lines and can be re-touched for a better grade. Due Dates Feb 28, March 31, June 9.
4. Note books should contain the following:
The note books will be collected from time to time to see progress.
The Shift or when a society’s taste changes Title 3 adjectives
Artist 2 influences
Period Image of the work
Method - Subject – Reason
The Shift or when a society’s taste changes Title 3 adjectives
Artist 2 influences
Period Image of the work
Method - Subject – Reason
The Shift Grading Guide
Everyone starts with 0
Relationship Chart 15 points (Late most points possible 10)
Essay 1 10 points (Late most points possible 5)
Essay 2 10 points (Late most points possible 5)
Essay 3 10 points (Late most points possible 5)
Art Work 1 15 points (Late most points possible 10)
Art Work 2 15 points (Late most points possible 10)
Art Work 3 15 points (Late most points possible 10)
Note Book 15 points (by the end of the semester)
105 Total Possible
A 105-95
B 94-85
C 84-75
Not Passing -74
Relationship Chart 15 points (Late most points possible 10)
Essay 1 10 points (Late most points possible 5)
Essay 2 10 points (Late most points possible 5)
Essay 3 10 points (Late most points possible 5)
Art Work 1 15 points (Late most points possible 10)
Art Work 2 15 points (Late most points possible 10)
Art Work 3 15 points (Late most points possible 10)
Note Book 15 points (by the end of the semester)
105 Total Possible
A 105-95
B 94-85
C 84-75
Not Passing -74