Masters to Masters
Student Work (Click here to see student work)
My Inspiration
I went to the LA Louver gallery in Venice Beach and saw an inspirational show. Artists like David Hockney, Tom Wudl and Rebecca Campbell and other Contemporary Masters were showing work that was inspired by a old master’s paintings and sculpture. The show was curated so that the Contemporary Masters work hung next to the cards on the wall had the an explanation written by the Contemporary Master explaining how they related to the Master Work, with an image of that work reproduced on the card.
Don Suggs Earthly Delights Iris 2011
LA Louver Gallery |
Bosch Garden of Earthly Delights 1504 Prado
Card from the Gallery
These two PDF were lent to me so my students could see the show.
Each Student then chose an Old Master’s painting to emulate. They were to investigate the theme and composition of important works from Greek Vase Painting to Manet.
They were given a PDF with 50 important works from art history. They could and did chose works that were not on the list with my approval.
Then the students chose a Modern or Contemporary Master’s style to use in their own painting.
They were again given a PDF with 50 different artists. They could choose another but I had to approve the artist.
My Example
Of course I made the painting myself before the project started. I choose as a classical master Peter Paul Rubens. For my Modern or Contemporary master I use Paul Gauguin.
I use this to show the students when the deliverables are do and how long the project will last. The Red check-in days are what keep the students moving forward. Making art is like a marathon not a sprint, if you do all your work at the end it is un-refined and superficial. Constant review and revision produces high quality work.
A funny thing happened when I made this calendar, look at January 18-20, I was going to lecture about Art history, going one by one through the PDF's of classical and Modern art. I was driving to work on the 18th and realized they should have the students research this list themselves, the student's have a reason to take responsibility, my assignment ad Kelly's assignment made it a necessity. I love to lecture about Art History, but it is not about me, they researched and taught each other, that was where real learning and appreciation took place.
A funny thing happened when I made this calendar, look at January 18-20, I was going to lecture about Art history, going one by one through the PDF's of classical and Modern art. I was driving to work on the 18th and realized they should have the students research this list themselves, the student's have a reason to take responsibility, my assignment ad Kelly's assignment made it a necessity. I love to lecture about Art History, but it is not about me, they researched and taught each other, that was where real learning and appreciation took place.
Collaboration Plan
Jeff Robin Art Teacher
I had my students choose a painting from Greek Vase Painting to Manet (Classical Past). This choice determined the theme and composition. They then chose a Modern or Contemporary painter from Monet to the present, and this choice determined the style of their painting.
Kelly Williams English 4
In English class, the students researched their chosen artists and then went through the writing process to create a piece of fiction where the two artists met and interacted. Although the artists were from different time periods, the students had to use theirresearch and creativity to create an engaging plot that exemplified the actions and desires
of each artist. |
The Students then looked at Classical art from Greek to Manet
Then the Students found a Modern or Contemporary art that their style would come from. It had to work well for both Art and Writing. This forced the students to talk, debate, share and understand the art they studied.
Then the Students blended their Theme, Compositions & Styles into . . . .