Explaining Bio-Science to the World
a High Tech High Student Run Concern
Idea Animation:explaining science for everyone
Students will learn about advances in bio-science and will teach the community about them. They will learn and explain the public health concerns, seemingly as simple as hand washing to the 21st century: Zica, Ebola and more. Students will deconstruct the biology behind products ranging from vaccines to pacemakers and the science behind public health outbreaks, concerns and education. They will meet with bio-tech and pharmaceutical companies as well as public health officials and doctors.
These are some examples of the kinds of animation we can offer. Students will make animations that visually explain the science for everyone!
This animation was for Continuing Medical Education program reforms. The doctor sent us his voice and though revision and critique we were able to create a simple and clear picture of this specialized fields needs and cures.
This animation was made to show the importance of hand washing in the hospital. With the idea that education is the most likely way to achieve this goal of stopping hospital acquired illness.
This is an animation for a college professor to explain to his students what DNA transcription is and how it relates to RNA translation, all done with the use of a food metaphor.
Our service do not end with animation production. We can and will help your animation be viewed.
We will use the science of internet marketing to find the the right space for you animation to connect most effectively with your specific audience. please contact Idea Animation for your ideas to come alive!